learning journal 4

Dear all BP's and SM VIPs,

We're almost done with the 4th week of the semester. Things are getting more 'interesting' as you moved ahead...more informations and obviously everyone would agree with me that it's getting tougher. Well, if you do have this feelings than you are on the right track. As you travel through your journey, you will definitely see different things - some might be easy and also there are things that's too difficult to understand. I am sure with all your determination, you will reach your destination (provided you know where you are going).

Anyway, share with me your thoughts; What do you think of working as a group or group study ? Does these techniques helps in your study and improve your thinking skills ?

"The Four C's of Education:


Learning Journal 3

Hi all,

In this learning journal 3, I will divide the discussions into BP's and SM's column. Before that, let me make some notes on the past comments. Firstly, many thanks to all of you who have spent some of your time visiting my blog. I hope you do it, not because of me promoting d blog (anyway, I take that as one of the reasons) but because you choose to share your views with me and also the rest. I am happy that the comments does say something about what you think of your learning process and I hope it will be something meaningful and treasured for the rest of your life.

For BP's VIPs - our first case discussion went well, thanks to the team who have enlightened the discussion. So, what do you think of the case study presentation and the discussion ? Does it help to improve your analytical skills ? Do you think what you have learned during lecture and discussion of current issues does help in understanding the concept better. Hope all of you have a clearer picture on the Porter's model. (Not to mention, the case of MAS and Air Asia which helps us alot).

For SM's VIPs - 1st secondary data presentation went quite well, most of the group are on the right track while few are still struggling between the industry, client's and the SBU. Anyway, I hope my role as the 'devil advocates' does help. The weekly pesentation maybe a bit 'tight' as you have to be on your feet all the time. I think this is a good practice - 'time waits for no one' and if you keep on telling yourself - you don't have time, then there won't be any. Anyway - share with me your thoughts on this weekly secondary data presentation: how does it helps you in understanding the process of formulating the marketing strategy ?Does it help to improve your understanding about the theories (what you have learned during lecture) and will you be able to analyse the data regarding the client's of your choice ?

Guess, I have asked too many questions...anyway happy reading and don't forget to leave a line...

"Education is one of the few things in life that lasts forever " - anonymous


learning journal 2

Hi all VIPs,

Guess all of you must be busy with your studies; that is good, but make sure you do it the 'smart' way. If you happennd to visit this blog - do share with me your learning thoughts ya..(refer to learning journal 1 posting).

"Winning isn't everything, but the effort to win is!" - Anonymous


learning journal episode 1

Hi all my VIPs,

I guess all the 'BP' VIPs must be working smart on the 'Australian Post" case especially the group assigned for the case. Not forgetting my 'SM' VIPs - all of you must be glued infront of the PC not forgetting those sitting at the 'hot spot' corner at out food court. Interesting huh! when you chose your own company. Anyway, happy Re-Searching and if you happen to pass by the blogspot.com and read this, do pen down your first journey of your learning experience - just anything about learning that you would like to share with your 'sifu'.

"That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way" - Doris Lessing


littledinasour a.k.a dinosaur

I would like to share with all you what happened today; I spent nearly half a day (not me actually...paying AJ at $??? to modify my blog) to modify my blog. Yesterday, I thought the dina sour spelling was over with Lynn and 'S',...not until AJ spotted another error today - it should be 'dinosaur' and for that I got a small pic of 'dino' in my blog....yahoo...

Not only that, now if you view my blog you got to listen to my favourite song as well, and the first person to listen was Lynn...(you should be proud as one of those selected few...yehaaa..). Thanks AJ (I think you are on the right track in your phd - webblogging is your forte'). Now I am thinking of a topic to post for my VIPs (my students).


littleDINAsour a.k.a lill'dino

I was on my way back from the restroom...saw AJ in her new shirt - yo..yo blue color - her new color I guess. She said "why didn't you do any posting...just look at her and said ...I did post a comment but it didn't came out(dunno what she meant) and she smiled; oh...I see... a new positng ,wanted to do it tomorrow.
Never mind here I am, even though I am still blurrr of the technical stuff in blogging... This morning invited another friend 'S" but when she looked at my link - she said...what's the spelling - dinosour or Dinasour...and as usual Lynn...slenge...laugh and they taught it was nice ...Dina sour as in ' Dina masam' ...ha...ha..ha so I change the spelling to littledinosour. Ok AJ am still waiting for you to lend me a hand on the techniques of blogging....


thanks for dropping by

AJ, thanks for dropping by...a short one but very supportive...guess I need as I am beginning to loose my patient; posted the reply byt somehow am not sure where it ended....grghhh..think I have to do somthing to the formatting... again...


Thoughts -episode one

Am still at the office, was doing some literature search - found few on what I wanted, I guess I should call it off for today (promise myself that Sundays will only be up to 1200noon). Oh! well somtimes when you are into it...you just can't stop. I have just invited AJ to visit my blog, hopefully she will drop by...

Next week, I will start my data collection (am excited about it) - need to explain to my respondents on the procedure and hope it won't caused much trouble then - keeping my fingure cross that everything will sail smoothly. Thanks to 'F', my colleague who allow me to go to her class as I am not teaching Marketing 100.

I have not invited my 'VIPs' as yet as I need to get the feel of writing in the blog, maybe I should invite my sister as well..as she does do blogging too; hmm...maybe the 'purple lady' as well...

"As I generate positive attitudes in my classroom I can create a chain reaction of positive thoughts and ideas".




just testing......